2020-02-28 08:51:48 +01:00

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Common user settings and tools used by Jannik Beyerstedt.
This role is compatible with Debian based systems, macOS, CentOS (no development toolchains) and ArchLinux (no updates).
Have a user set up on the machine, to which you can connecto via a ssh key.
This user must also have sudo right without asking for a password!
(e.g. using `%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL` when editing the sudoers file with `sudo visudo`)
Role Variables
This role uses the apt package manager on Debian based hosts.
But for some operating systems the `ansible_os_family` variable is not set to "Debian" by the fact gathering even if it is Debian based (like Mendel GNU/Linux on the Google Coral Dev Board).
- `override_os_family`: Set to "Debian" in the host inventory, if `ansible_os_family` is not set correctly
The User Setup will change the user shell and global gitconfig. This can be disabled:
- `usersetup_chsh`: Boolean to enable changing the user shell to zsh (default: true)
- `usersetup_gitconfig`: Boolean to disable overriding the global gitconfig (default: true)
* `gitconfig_name`: User's name in .gitconfig file (default: n.a.)
* `gitconfig_email`: User's email in .gitconfig file (default: n.a.)
The development environment for different programming languages can be setup automatically.
To enable, that Visual Studio Code will be installed and configured, set `user_vscode` to true, otherwise only the bare development toolchain will be installed.
For a GUI/ Desktop machine, you can enable to install and configure VS Code:
- `user_vscode`: Boolean to install and set the basic configuration of VS Code (default: false)
- `user_lang_cpp`: Boolean to install C/C++ dev tools and configure VS Code (default: false)
- `user_lang_python`: Boolean to install Python dev tools and configure VS Code (default: false)
- `user_lang_golang`: Boolean to install Golang dev tools and configure VS Code (default: false)
* `user_lang_golang_gopath`: Install path for golang (default: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/Development/go")
By default, this role will run updates, install some essential tools, set up the user's shell and copy the dotfiles.
If you just want to have the dotfiles managed by ansible, set `common_settingsonly` to true!
This can be useful, if you have no sudo rights, because tool installation will need these.
Example Playbook
You can simply run the whole role:
- name: Basic User Shell Setup
hosts: all
- name: Basics - Update first
name: common
tasks_from: update
when: common_settingsonly | default(false) == false
- name: Basics - Install essential tools
name: common
tasks_from: essentials
when: common_settingsonly | default(false) == false
- name: Basics - Install more tools
name: common
tasks_from: tools
when: common_settingsonly | default(false) == false
- name: Basics - Setup user shell
name: common
tasks_from: usersetup
when: common_settingsonly | default(false) == false
- name: Basics - Install dotfiles
name: common
tasks_from: usersettings
# Additional Tasks for Specific Host Types (not included in the role's main.yml)
# more tools for your main machine
- name: Basics - Install user's working utilities
name: common
tasks_from: usertools
# install programming languages and optionally VS Code
- name: Basics - Install and configure development env (and VS Code)
name: common
tasks_from: devel
Or call the different tasks individually:
- name: Basic User Shell Setup
hosts: all
- import_role:
name: common