# reprap-prusa-i3-documents by Jannik Beyerstedt from Hamburg, Germany [jannikbeyerstedt.de](http://jannikbeyerstedt.de) | [Github](https://github.com/jbeyerstedt) **license:** CC-BY-SA-4.0 ## my "private" settings These are the settings and tests I use for my reprap prusa i3 build. ## configuration - prusa i3 sheet model - wodden sheets, watercut. reenfoced at the top by some piece of wood - simple selfmade wooden filament spool holder at the top - all metric standards - T2.5 belts - electronics - RAMPS 1.4 - mkII headbed - NEMA17 stepper motors - 200W 12V power supply by meanwell - extruder/ hotend - 3mm filament - J-Head - Greg´s Wade Extruder (currently installing a new generation) - currently installing a new layer fan ## location of settings files #### OS X: - Slic3r: ~/Library/Application Support/Slic3r - printrun: ~/.pronsolerc ##### Windows: - Slic3r: - printrun: ---- ## checklists first idea - to be further enhanced ### turning the printer on - check the repository for new (slic3r) settings - connect USB - open pronterface - click "connect" in printrun - connect mains power - click "setPP" to give initial position - check fan position - if not stored in parking position: - home X-axis - home Y-axis - set zero point of Z-axis - check endstops - check belt tension ### pre print check - turn on heat to 190°C - clean hotend nozzle - click "goStartPos" - extrude some filament until steady stream - clean hotend nozzle - start print ### turning the printer off - turn heat off - click "goParkPos" to move to storing position - click "Motors off" - click "disconnect" in printrun - disconnect mains power - disconnect USB