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// -------------------------------------------
// outdoor lights control -- server
// copyright: Jannik Beyerstedt |
// license: GPLv3 License
// -------------------------------------------
$config_filename = 'config_times.json';
$timeRegex = '/^((2[0-3]|1[0-9]|0[0-9]|[^0-9][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|[0-9]))/';
$sunsetTrue = 90+50/60; /* "true" sunrise/ sunset */
$sunsetCivilian = 96; /* Civilian Twilight */
$sunsetNautical = 102; /* Nauticla Twilight */
$sun_zenith = 93; /* use one of the above $sunset* or own value */
$timezone = "Europe/Berlin";
class LightStatus {
public $state = true; /* current state: lights on/off */
public $changeTime = 1; /* minutes until next state change */
public $waitTime = 0; /* minutes the client should wait until next request */
public $times = null; /* config array */
public $sunrise, $sunset; /* time string hh:mm */
public $isNight; /* bool, true if it's at night */
function __construct() {
return $this->readTimes();
/* return string for the service API */
function __toString() {
return 's='.(int)$this->state.' t='.$this->waitTime;
/* re-calculate values, returns true if successful */
public function update($currentTime = null) {
global $sun_zenith;
global $timezone;
if (null == $currentTime) {
$currentTime = time();
$sunset = null;
$sunrise = null;
$times = [];
// calculate times
$gmtOffset = date("Z") / (60*60);
if (($currentTime - strtotime("12:00")) > 0) {
// currentTime is in the evening
$this->sunset = date_sunset(time(), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $this->times['position']['lat'], $this->times['position']['long'], $sun_zenith, $gmtOffset);
$this->sunrise = date_sunrise((time() + 24*60*60), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $this->times['position']['lat'], $this->times['position']['long'], $sun_zenith, $gmtOffset);
$sunset = date_sunset(time(), SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $this->times['position']['lat'], $this->times['position']['long'], $sun_zenith, $gmtOffset);
$sunrise = date_sunrise((time() + 24*60*60), SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $this->times['position']['lat'], $this->times['position']['long'], $sun_zenith, $gmtOffset);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$timeKey = 'time'.$i;
$startTime = strtotime($this->times[$timeKey]['on']);
if ((strtotime("00:00")+24*60*60) - $startTime > 12*60*60) {
$startTime += 24*60*60;
$stopTime = strtotime($this->times[$timeKey]['off']);
if ((strtotime("00:00")+24*60*60) - $stopTime > 12*60*60) {
$stopTime += 24*60*60;
$times[] = ["on"=>$startTime, "off"=>$stopTime];
} else {
// currentTime is in the morning
$this->sunset = date_sunset((time() - 24*60*60), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $this->times['position']['lat'], $this->times['position']['long'], $sun_zenith, $gmtOffset);
$this->sunrise = date_sunrise(time(), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $this->times['position']['lat'], $this->times['position']['long'], $sun_zenith, $gmtOffset);
$sunset = date_sunset((time() - 24*60*60), SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $this->times['position']['lat'], $this->times['position']['long'], $sun_zenith, $gmtOffset);
$sunrise = date_sunrise(time(), SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $this->times['position']['lat'], $this->times['position']['long'], $sun_zenith, $gmtOffset);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$timeKey = 'time'.$i;
$startTime = strtotime($this->times[$timeKey]['on']);
if ($startTime - strtotime("00:00") > 12*60*60) {
$startTime -= 24*60*60;
$stopTime = strtotime($this->times[$timeKey]['off']);
if ($stopTime - strtotime("00:00") > 12*60*60) {
$stopTime -= 24*60*60;
$times[] = ["on"=>$startTime, "off"=>$stopTime];
// -- first check, if an instant-on time is set --
if ($this->times['instant-on'] != null) {
if ($this->times['instant-on'] > time()) {
$this->state = true;
$this->changeTime = (int)(($this->times['instant-on']-time())/60);
$this->waitTime = $this->changeTime;
return true;
} else {
// reset instant-on
$this->state = false;
$this->times['instant-on'] = null;
// -- if no instant-on time is set, follow normal conditions --
if ($sunset < $currentTime && $sunrise > $currentTime) {
$this->isNight = true;
// it's night: check, if we are in one of the time intervals
$this->changeTime = null;
foreach ($times as $t) {
if ($t["on"] < $currentTime && $t["off"] > $currentTime) {
// we are in this interval
$this->state = true;
$this->changeTime = (int)(($t["off"] - $currentTime) / 60);
$this->waitTime = 1;
return true;
} else if ($t["on"] > $currentTime) {
// we are right before this interval
$this->state = false;
$this->changeTime = (int)(($t["on"] - $currentTime) / 60);
$this->waitTime = 1;
return true;
// otherwise we are after this interval, but potentioally before next interval
if ($this->changeTime == null) {
// we are after the last interval, so changeTime is not set yet
$this->state = false;
$this->changeTime = (int)(($sunrise - $currentTime) / 60);
$this->waitTime = $this->changeTime;
return true;
} else if ($currentTime > $sunrise || $sunset > $currentTime) {
$this->isNight = false;
// it's day: nothing else to check
$this->state = false;
$this->changeTime = (int)(($sunset - $currentTime) / 60);
if ($this->changeTime < 0) {
$this->changeTime += 24*60; // changeTime is in Minutes
$this->waitTime = $this->changeTime;
return true;
} else {
echo "ERROR: invalid time of day.";
return 'ERROR';
/* save modified $times array to config file, returns true if successful */
public function saveTimes() {
global $config_filename;
if (empty($this->times)) {
return 'ERROR';
} else {
$json_string = json_encode($this->times, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
file_put_contents($config_filename, $json_string);
return true;
public function setClientLastSeen() {
$this->times['clientLastSeen'] = time();
public function getClientLastSeen() {
return $this->times['clientLastSeen'];
private function readTimes() {
global $config_filename;
$file_content = file_get_contents($config_filename);
if ($file_content == FALSE) {
return 'ERROR';
} else {
$this->times = json_decode($file_content, true);
return true;
function checkTimesInput($times) {
global $timeRegex;
if (!isset($_POST['time1-start']) || !preg_match($timeRegex, $_POST['time1-start'])) {
return "time1-start not valid";
if (!isset($_POST['time1-stop']) || !preg_match($timeRegex, $_POST['time1-stop'])) {
return "time1-stop not valid";
if (!isset($_POST['time2-start']) || !preg_match($timeRegex, $_POST['time2-start'])) {
return "time2-start not valid";
if (!isset($_POST['time2-stop']) || !preg_match($timeRegex, $_POST['time2-stop'])) {
return "time2-stop not valid";
if (!isset($_POST['time3-start']) || !preg_match($timeRegex, $_POST['time3-start'])) {
return "time3-start not valid";
if (!isset($_POST['time3-stop']) || !preg_match($timeRegex, $_POST['time3-stop'])) {
return "time3-stop not valid";
return true;