# Readme Author: Jannik Beyerstedt **license:** GNU GPL v3 ## Dependencies This repository also provides a Makefile, but it does not work currently. So the only option to compile and upload is via the Arduino IDE: - Install ESP8266 Arduino Board Support from Boards Manager - Select you board and upload port - Compile and upload. (push the reset button just before the upload starts to wake the chip from deep sleep.) ## Settings All configuration is currently done with preprocessor constants in the code itself. - `NODENAME`: User friendly name of the node (used for the influxDB measurements) - `BOARD`: Board type (see line 17 ff.) for the right battery settings - `DB_HOSTNAME`: Host/ domain name of your influxDB (port is fixed to 8086) - `DB_PASSWD`: HTTP BasicAuth string used to sign in ## Battery Lifespan - ESP12: About 6 months