Tinc ============ Setup and configuration of a tinc VPN network. Requirements ------------ none Role Variables -------------- Central configuration: * `tinc_vpn_id`: name of the vpn to be created (default: `vpn0`) * `tinc_central_host`: hostname of the always-on server (default: `hetzner-01`) * `tinc_vpn_net`: local vpn network (IPv4, CIDR notation) * `tinc_remote_nets`: list of remote networks, that should be forwarded to localhost (TODO: currently only one entry supported) * `net_cidr`: IPv4 network range (CIDR notation) * `gateway`: VPN network IP address of the gateway Configuration for each host: * `tinc_client_ip`: own IP address in the tinc-local network * `tinc_public_addr`: public domain or IP address of the central server Dependencies ------------ none Example Playbook ---------------- Hostfile: ``` tinc: vars: tinc_vpn_net: tinc_remote_nets: - net_cidr: gateway: hosts: central_server: tinc_public_addr: central_server.example.com tinc_client_ip: remote_gateway: tinc_client_ip: localhost: tinc_client_ip: ``` Playbook: ``` - name: Install tinc hosts: tinc roles: - tinc - name: Distribute hostfiles hosts: tinc tasks: - name: Tinc - Distribute hostfiles ansible.builtin.import_role: name: tinc tasks_from: distribute ``` License ------- GPLv3