--- # Server/Borgbackup: Install and Setup Borgbackup Backup Crobjob - Debian Stretch Version # Variables (must be set!): # - borgbackup_host # - borgbackup_sub # For Debian Stretch, use a newer package version from backports - name: borgbackup - Add debian repo key become: yes apt_key: keyserver: pgpkeys.mit.edu id: 8B48AD6246925553 state: present when: - ansible_distribution_release == 'stretch' - name: borgbackup - Add stretch-backports become: yes apt_repository: repo: deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian stretch-backports main state: present when: - ansible_distribution_release == 'stretch' - name: borgbackup - Install borgbackup from stretch-backports become: yes apt: name: borgbackup state: latest default_release: stretch-backports update_cache: yes cache_valid_time: 3600 when: - borgbackup_host is defined - borgbackup_sub is defined - ansible_distribution_release == 'stretch'